For 2025, we have updated and streamlined the entire show format. The show now has more exhibitor options, and these options offer the opportunity for the show to be more affordable. The show will now look like ashow within a show. The area at the very front of the hall will be designatedfor the traditional World’s Greatest Hobby on Tour style of show. This will have the look and feel of past World’s Greatest Hobby on Tour events with pipe and drape, skirted tables, etc. and is where the larger manufactures and those wishing to be in that section will be placed.
The remainder of the hall will have the look and feel of our traditional Great Train Shows. Standard tables, as well as our 3 table booths will be available for those selling, that do not need the options of the WGH portion of the show. This will allow you to choose the best option for you. Because the area will not be separated, the public will be able to flow throughout the entire show, seeing all of the manufactures, sellers, layouts and attractions, and will allow us to bundle that into a very attractive package to help drive attendance. Making these changes allows us to keep the show affordable for all of the various types of exhibitors. Since we do not have to pipe and drape the entire hall as we did in the past, we can offer a much lower price to those exhibitors who do not need it. This will also allow us to shift that money from operations to marketing to continue to drive large crowds.

Making these changes allows us to keep the show affordable for all of the various types of exhibitors. Since we do not have to pipe anddrape the entire hall as we did in the past, we can offer a much lower price to those exhibitors who do not need it. This will also allow us to shift that money from operations to marketing to continue to drive large crowds.
A service charge of 3.00% will be applied to all credit card transactions.